Photoshop utilise désormais l’IA pour améliorer le design des cheveux

Adobe has released the latest version of Photoshop which now uses AI and additional algorithms to handle complex selections like hair.


In 2019 Photoshop made it much easier to handle one of the most time-consuming tasks: subject selection. With its latest version, Photoshop can now go even further and create near-perfect masks around complex selections, like hair.


The new advanced “Subject Selection” comes as Adobe released a major update across its entire Creative Suite, including smarter selections in Photoshop, a new local hue tool in Lightroom, and an overhaul for Adobe Camera RAW.


The new “Subject Selection” and “Select and Mask” tools use AI to automatically select and mask the subject in a photograph. However, previous implementations failed to handle complex selections. Now, with an update to the algorithm, “Select Subject” can better recognize what that subject is and refine its selection when a person is detected. At that point, Photoshop uses additional algorithms to specifically create a mak around the subject’s hair.


To start using the improved “Select Subject” and for the best results, head over to Select > Select and Mask on Photoshop CS 21.2.0.


Photoshop also gains the ability to rotate patterns, auto-activate Adobe fonts, and use Adobe Capture to pull colors and patterns from an image as a Photoshop plug-in.


Lire : WERSM du 17 juin


Jean-Philippe Behr

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